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Why [Not To] Choose LimeStone Networks March 2, 2009

Posted by ismywebsite in general.
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“The most obvious reason to choose Limestone Networks is our unwavering commitment to not only excellence in the industry, but to enhancing and revolutionizing the very nature of customer service. [We are very fast and efficient when it comes to handling manners of client relations, such as bringing your entire server offline without notice and not providing any backups.] While we have several different departments, they all fall under one category, customer service. [They work well together, employing the latest in strategic planning to lose your hard drive during an upgrade.]

This business model shifts the focus away from being a solely monetarily driven machine, into being a helpful friend who takes care of our clients custom dedicated server hosting needs. [In fact, we have absolutely no interest at all in receiving money from satisfied clients, and would much rather provide a really helpful custom failure to suit your personalized business needs!] We utilize the best hardware, personnel and connection to ensure our clients a simple and solid network because we don’t just want to do it, we want to do it the best.”

So there you have it, all the best in one datacenter. What more could you ask for? Who needs data when you have the satisfaction of talking to the quality individuals who lost it? And, now, who on Earth needs a server? Really? When it all comes down to it, isn’t there just so much freedom in a failed connection? So much time you can spend in other areas of your life? Yes, for sure, LimeStone has your best interests at heart. You should definitely pick them for your next datacenter of choice.

And yes, for those interested, I have confirmed that LimeStone Networks is the datacenter behind this latest failure. I wasn’t surprised… Read back in the blog and you’ll find their name under another failure not so long ago.