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Quick Tutorial – Moving Your Files May 22, 2008

Posted by ismywebsite in tutorial.
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As some of you are now coming online, you will want to know how to get your files on the new server. Moving things is not difficult:

1) Just go to with Internet Explorer and log in to grab the files. Open My Computer to a directory of your choice and drag the files you want from the FTP into that folder.

Alternatively, FireFox has the FireFTP extension available at http://fireftp.mozdev.org/. Click ‘Manage Accounts’ > Add New and use the host with your username and password. Then connect to it. You can use the left frame to navigate to a directory of your choice on your computer and the left arrow to move files there.

2) If you have databases, go to and navigate into the PHPmyAdmin. Open the database and click the ‘Export’ link. Copy the contents into a text file – ‘data.txt’ for example.

3) Access your new FTP by accessing ftp://ismyhost.com* or using ismyhost.com* as your host. (See instructions from step 1.) Upload the files saved in step 1 into the right directory.

4) Access your new cPanel at http://ismyhost.com:2082/* and use the ‘MySQL Databases’ tool to set up your databases again. Then use the ‘Import’ feature in PHPMyAdmin to upload your old database from the file you saved in step 2.

* Your exact address will depend  on the node of your account. Your details can be found in the hosting section of your account at http://web.ismywebsite.com/. If you cannot access your new node (other than IsMyHost), please wait until we can check all the accounts and declare yours working.

If you have any troubles, you can get assistance by emailing me. Pvcsnathan also has access to help you or transfer the site for you.